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Resultados de búsqueda

  • Biblioteca y Publicaciones

    La Biblioteca de la Escuela Diplomática, creada en 1943, tiene como misión prioritaria servir de apoyo documental a los programas de enseñanza de la ...

  • Acts related to State foreign policy

    You can consult information of interest here on trips and visits and other acts related to foreign policy, such as international summits and conferences. ...
  • Other information of interest

    The use of the State symbols (flag, anthem and coat of arms and precedence (order of precedence among authorities and other dignitaries, both Spanish and ...
  • Decorations

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation is responsible for awarding decorations corresponding to the Order of Isabella the Catholic ...
  • Astrofísica

    Acuerdo de cooperación en materia de astrofísica, hecho en Santa Cruz de la Palma el 26 de mayo de 1979  

    Firma de España: 26/05/1979 ...

  • History of the Ministry

    We invite you to discover the development of the ministerial department, from the outset of modern diplomacy until the creation of the current Ministry ...
  • What do we do at the DG for Protocol?

    The Directorate-General for Protocol, Chancellery and Orders is responsible for the preparation, coordination and implementation of official acts and ceremonies ...
  • Presentación

    En la Escuela Diplomática se desarrolla el proceso selectivo para el ingreso en la Carrera Diplomática, mediante el sistema consistente en una primera ...