Preventative diplomacy Preventive diplomacy includes all measures aimed at preventing existing disputes from escalating into conflicts and at preventing conflicts, if they occur, ...
Public and digital diplomacy Strategic communication, and in particular public diplomacy, is generally aimed at public opinion and civil society, with the objective of conveying an ...
Migration flows In a globalized world, migration has become one of the vectors of socioeconomic transformation and relations between States. The International Organization ...
Economic diplomacy Economic diplomacy is one of the main instruments of Spanish foreign action and a political priority for the defence of Spain's economic interests and ...
The fight against disinformation Disinformation is one of the major concerns of democratic countries. Behind false news or fake news, strategies are often articulated to manipulate public ...
Humanitarian action and diplomacy Humanitarian action aims to protect and save lives, prevent and alleviate human suffering and meet the basic needs of the population from a vulnerability ...
Ibero-American Summits The Ibero-American Summits came into being in Guadalajara and Madrid, where their Founding Summits were held in 1991 and 1992, respectively, in response ...
Cultural and scientific diplomacy In the implementation of Spain's foreign policy, cultural policies play a strategic role, aided by Spain’s cultural and artistic wealth and by Spanish, ...
G-20 and OECD Created in 1999, the G-20 comprises the G-8 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States) plus the ...
Global security In recent decades, global security has become a fundamental priority for Spain. Challenges such as combating terrorism and organised crime and cyber-security ...
Maghreb and Middle East Both the Maghreb and the Middle East are a fundamental and priority pillar of our external action. Both regions are undergoing profound changes, bringing ...