Information on the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in Spain

Information on the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in Spain. You can consult the diplomatic and consular list here, along with other practical information on the embassies and consulates-general accredited in Spain.

The Directorate-General for Protocol, Chancellery and Orders is responsible, through the Under-directorate-General of the Chancellery, for handling matters related to diplomatic missions, their consular offices and the missions of international bodies with headquarters in Spain, according to the provisions of the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, and on Consular Relations of 1963. It is also commissioned with the negotiation and approval of Host Country Agreements for those international organisations that are established in Spain, such as the United Nations Support Office in Quart de Poblet and the UN World Tourism Organization in Madrid.

In total, there are 126 embassies resident in Spain and almost 800 consulates-general, 153 of which are official and more than 600 honorary. In addition, another 49 countries are accredited in Spain, but with their residence in Paris, London, Brussels or Geneva. There are also 42 international bodies with headquarters in Spain.

You can consult the diplomatic and consular list here, along with other practical information on the embassies and consulates-general accredited in Spain. The order of precedence of the ambassadors is established by handing over their letters of credence which, in turn, is established by the order of the hand-over of the copies of style to the Introducer of Ambassadors. 
  • ​Form for personal accreditation of the diplomatic corps in Spain (upon demand)
  • ​Practical guide for the diplomatic corps accredited in Spain (upon demand)​

 Foto: Recepción al Cuerpo Diplomático en el Palacio Real. @ Casa S.M. el Rey

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