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Albares strengthens the excellent relations between Spain and Panama with the new Minister for Foreign Affairs

​Economic issues, political consultations and cooperation were the focus of the meeting

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, today received his new Panamanian counterpart, Javier Martínez-Acha, to strengthen relations between the two countries on the three main issues of shared interest: the economy, political consultations and cooperation. 

This is the second meeting between Ministers Albares and Martínez-Acha, after their encounter in Panama on 1 July, when the Spanish minister travelled to Panama City for the inauguration of the new Panamanian president, José Raúl Mulino. 

Spain attaches particular importance to its relations with Panama, which are excellent. Minister Albares invited Minister for Foreign Affairs Martínez-Acha to hold the second round of political consultations between the two countries before the end of the year, after opening this process in January 2023. 

Regarding economic relations, Albares highlighted that Panama is a strategic partner for Spain. Major Spanish companies contribute to the development of the country and job creation through the awarding of contracts to execute infrastructure works. 

The minister offered his Panamanian counterpart technical cooperation and political support for Panama to bring its legislation into line with international standards on taxation and regulatory transparency as soon as possible. 

Spanish Cooperation

Spanish Cooperation has unequivocally supported Panama's development over the last three decades. In fact, Spain is the only country that has a Cooperation Office on the ground, as well as a regional humanitarian aid mechanism, in coordination with the World Food Programme (WFP), which Minister Albares visited during his trip to Panama City last March. 

The Cooperation Office manages a multi-annual project portfolio of more than €317 million in collaboration with other international actors, such as the IDB, the CAF, the EIB or the Central American Bank for Economic Integration. Of this figure, €78.2 million come directly from Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) funds. The AECID also carries out extremely important work in assisting migrants on the Darién border, a point where the tragic humanitarian situation has led to an increase in criminality, human rights violations and pressure on public institutions. The minister expressed his support to Minister for Foreign Affairs Martínez-Acha for the nation’s efforts in caring for migrants and host communities. 

During the meeting between the two ministers, Albares announced that Spain will make a contribution of €200,000 to the International Federation of Red Cross, in response to the emergency appeal to deal with the devastating effects of Hurricane Beryl in Central America. This amount will be managed through the Spanish Cooperation Office.  

In his meeting with the Panamanian Minister for Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares expressed the Spanish Government's full willingness to promote a new legal and regulatory framework that articulates cooperation in the coming years, with new tools and modalities.​