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Albares meets with Asian ambassadors in Barcelona

Spain's presence in Asia, the continent's growing importance in the international arena and regional cooperation are the focus of the meeting's debates

May 3, 2024
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, today held a meeting with the ambassadors of the Asian countries accredited in Spain at the Casa Asia’s headquarters in Barcelona. 

During the meeting with the Asian ambassadors, in order to discuss the main challenges, synergies and options for cooperation between Spain and their countries, Albares conveyed to them the Spanish Government's desire and intention “to work even harder for the growth of our bilateral ties with Asian countries”, and announced the strengthening of Spain's economic, political and cultural presence in the region, as witnessed by the forthcoming opening of a Consulate General in Bangalore, India. To this end, he offered them the full collaboration of Casa Asia and the Spain-China, Spain-Japan, Spain-India and Spain-Australia Council Foundations, as the most important tools of public diplomacy to promote the​ encounter between the societies of both regions. 

“Spain is aware that Asia Pacific is a crucial geopolitical region, a key area for security and economic growth in the present and in the future”, said the minister, who added that “as part of the EU, we want the region to be an area where opportunities and challenges are resolved through inc​lusive cooperation”. 

During the meeting, Albares reviewed the regional and international agenda, with special emphasis on the Middle East conflict and Russia's aggression against Ukraine, calling on them to contribute to President Zelenski's Peace efforts. 

Furthermore, Minister Albares conveyed Spain's interest in strengthening ties “from the base, where the most lasting ties are built, through more intense exchanges between people, including cultural cooperation and the promotion of Spanish, a truly global language, throughout the region”. In this framework, Minister Albares also announced the forthcoming opening of Cervantes Institutes in Seoul and Shanghai.