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Spain presents Malaga’s candidacy to the 2027 International Expo in Paris

The slogan proposed by Malaga is “The urban era: towards the sustainable city”, which will compete with another four candidacies

June 7, 2022

​The Ambassador on Special Mission for the Malaga 2027 Expo Candidacy, Juan José Escobar; the Representative of Spain before the BIE and Economic and Commercial Councillor of the Spanish Embassy in Paris, Javier Burgos and the Director-General for the Expo 2027 in Malaga of the City Council of Malaga, Jerónimo Blasco, have presented the dossier today of Malaga’s candidacy to the 2027 International Expo at the headquarters of the International Expo Office in Paris. The other four candidacies were also presented today.

The dossier, which a multidisciplinary team has worked on, is a 265-page document structured in accordance with the content established by the BIE in 15 chapters that describe the city, the subject, the space for the Expo, the timetables, the uses for the location after the Expo has finished and estimates of the number of visitors and an updated economic impact.

“The urban era: towards the sustainable city” will be held in Malaga from 5 June to 5 September. The main reason to organise this Expo is its subject, which affects all countries and organisations at a global level. In this regard, in barely two decades that would separate this Expo from the one held in Shanghai in 2010 dedicated to the future of cities, the global population will increase by some 1.6 billion inhabitants, who will predominantly live in cities. In other words, by 2050, more than three quarters of the world’s population will live in cities and hence it is necessary to think of how to make demographic growth compatible with sustainability.

The subject thus affects all countries regardless of their level of development and places them with the challenge of how to use innovation as a tool to change the model, a change that should be guided by the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN for 2030. Together with this subject, the secondary areas chosen are citizenship, innovation and the environment.

The dossier will be presented to the public at an event that the public authorities promoting this candidacy are working on: the City Council of Malaga, the Government of Spain, the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Provincial Council of Malaga. The information on the project, which began to be worked on in 2019, is available on the website opens in new window  and on official social media sites.