H.M. the King inaugurates the new foreign affairs headquarters in Plaza del Marqués de Salamanca


January 20, 2022
His Majesty the King has inaugurated the new headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation on Thursday in Plaza del Marqués de Salamanca in Madrid. 

King Felipe visited several offices in the main building, where most of the public workers of the central services are already working. He visited the area where the public are attended, the press room, the new auditorium and other work areas.

His Majesty the King had the chance to talk with workers at the new headquarters and to sign the Ministerial Book of Honour in the temporary exhibition room. His visit concluded by unveiling a commemorative plaque and a group photo in the main entrance to the building.

The works to fit out the headquarters in Marqués de Salamanca, which concluded in the spring of 2021, have combined the historical value of the building with improvements in energy efficiency and sustainability. With a surface area covering 50,455 square metres, the new headquarters will house close to 1,300 people.

“This renovation has a direct impact on strengthening our foreign policy and will make us more effective when working together”, explained the Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, who accompanied the King on his visit. José Manuel Albares highlighted that the new headquarters will improve the efficacy of the preparatory work for the NATO Summit, to be held in Madrid in June, and the 6-month Rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2023.

The transfer of almost all the staff to the headquarters in Marqués de Salamanca will improve interdepartmental dialogue and benefit the principle of the unity of Spanish foreign action. The employees have multi-purpose rooms, different shared work areas and a pre-school nursery to facilitate the work/life balance.

Furthermore, the works have been implemented so that all the areas are accessible so that no-one – whether due to reduced mobility or sensory difficulties – will see the performance of their autonomous activities interrupted or frustrated. Other improvements include the correct insulation of the front of the building and the incorporation of renewable energies through the photovoltaic panels on the roof.


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