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30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations with Republic of Moldova

​​The Government of Spain welcomes today’s celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Kingdom of Spain.​

January 31, 2022
The government welcomes the excellent development of our bilateral relations over these last 30 years, during which sound political relations have been forged, and economic and cultural exchanges have increased, all resulting in better knowledge and greater proximity between our peoples. This is evidenced by the Moldovan community resident in Spain, a good example of integration in our country.

Spain expresses its interest in continuing to bolster our relations with Moldova in all spheres, both at a bilateral level and through the European Union, particularly within the framework of the Eastern Partnership.

The Government of Spain wishes to take this opportunity to reiterate its firm commitment to the defence of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. It also reaffirms its full support for the ambitious agenda of political and economic reforms the Republic of Moldova has embarked upon, which will decisively contribute to the modernisation and prosperity of the country.

On this occasion of this important milestone in our bilateral relations, the government expresses its wishes for peace, well-being and prosperity for the friendly nation of the Republic of Moldova.