The Government of Spain has made a voluntary contribution of 150,000 euros to the Council of Europe for the financial year 2023, which will be dedicated to issues of special interest to Spain, such as the Council of Europe's projection to the Spanish-speaking world, its relationship with the Southern Mediterranean and Latin America, the promotion of equality and the fight against gender violence, youth, and human rights. Thus, it contributes to the financing of the action plans for Morocco and Tunisia for the period 2022-2025; the Spanish website of the Council of Europe and the Twitter account in Spanish; the Special Fund of the European Court of Human Rights, dedicated to strengthening its case management capacity; the Venice Commission's action in Latin America, one of the lines of its work in recent years, complementary to the cooperation it maintains with the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies; and the projects implemented by the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity / North-South Centre ("Promoting Euro-Africa Cooperation to Enhance Youth Participation for Peace" and "All Informed, All Concerned: Promoting Diversity and Equality"), through which training programmes for young people are promoted, such as the African University of Youth and Development, and which address intersectional forms of discrimination against women and girls, promoting the Istanbul Convention against gender-based violence, in the cooperation of the Council of Europe in the Southern Mediterranean. With this contribution, Spain also shows its institutional commitment to the Council of Europe and its principles of human rights, rule of law and democracy.
The Ambassador Permanent Representative, Manuel Montobbio, met today with the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Bjørn Berge, in the act of formalisation of the contribution of the Government of Spain, as well as with representatives of the Venice Commission, the European Court of Human Rights and the Directorates of Communication, Coordination of Programmes and Political Affairs and External Relations of the Council of Europe.