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Study visa

Visa for stays exceeding 90 days for studies, training, internships or voluntary work. This visa may also be issued for stays for au pairs and for conversation class assistants.  

Study stays of less than 90 days do not require a study visa. Depending on the applicant's nationality, a short-stay visa may be required (see “Schengen visas"). 

The following family members may obtain a visa to accompany the student: 

  • The spouse or unmarried partner.
  • Children who are minors or who have a disability. 

Visas for students' family members do not constitute work permits. 

Activities for which a study visa may be obtained​​​ 

  • Full-time studies at an authorized school that will lead to the obtainment of a degree or certificate of studies.
  • Doctorate studies.
  • Training activities.
  • Student mobility programmes at compulsory and/or non-compulsory secondary education level at an officially recognized teaching or scientific centre.
  • Training placements at public or private bodies or entities that cannot be covered by internship visas (see “Internship visa").
  • Volunteer services in the framework of programmes pursuing public interest goals.
  • Au pair programmes.
  • Conversation class assistants.

Required documents for the student​​ ​​

1. National visa application formIt opens in new window. Available in Español, Français, English.  Each applicant must complete and sign a visa application, filling in each of its sections. If the applicant is a minor, one of their parents or a duly accredited representative must sign the application. 

2. Photograph. A recent, passport-size, colour photograph, taken against a light background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face. 

3. Valid, unexpired passport. Original and a photocopy of the page or pages of the passport that contain biometric data. The passport must be valid at least for the duration of the planned stay and containat least two blank pages. Passports issued more than 10 years ago will not be accepted.   

3.1 Photocopy of the national identity card (CNI). Failing this, a photocopy of the receipt (récépissé) will be accepted.

3.2 Photocopies of all previous and current visas (Schengen, USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Australia), if any.

4. Proof of acceptance for the study, training or volunteer activity or internship. Original and a copy of the document proving:

  • Acceptance at an authorized teaching centre to carry out a full-time study programme.
  • Acceptance at a research or training centre.
  • Acceptance into a student mobility programme (in this case, the applicant must also provide proof of acceptance at a study centre, of having found accommodation with a family or at an institution, and the commitment of the organizer of the programme to bear the costs).
  • Acceptance for a non-remunerated internship on the basis of a signed agreement.
  • An agreement with the organization responsible for the volunteer programme. 

5. Proof of financial means. Original and a copy of the documents proving that the applicant (or their legal representative or the family member supporting them) has sufficient financial means to cover the expenses of the student's stay and return, as well as the stay and return of the family members accompanying them. The minimum required amount is equivalent to 100% of Spain's Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator (IPREM). To this amount must be added 75% of the IPREM for the first family member and 50% of the IPREM for each additional family member. If proof is provided that accommodation for the entire stay has been paid for in advance, this amount will be deducted.

The IPREM for 2022 is 6,948.24€ per year or 579.02€ per month. Approximately 380,000 FCFA per month.

Bank statements must be originals obtained from the bank, with the bank's stamp. Financial means from microfinance institutions are not taken into account.

If it is not the student who pays for his studies, a member of his next family can be his sponsor.: father/mother, brother, spouse.

Supporting documents for the financial and employment situation of the applicant and/or guarantor:

  • Bank statements (minimum of the last 3 months). If you have several bank accounts: present them all, especially the one where you receive the remuneration.
  • Proof of employment status:
    • Employees: Certificate of employment or other workplace tests and the last 3 payrolls.
    • Civil servants: last 3 payrolls.
    • Merchants: Company registration and tax documents of the last two years.
    • Other evidence of economic activity, depending on the case.
  • Proof of other incomes, in case these exist.

6. Letter of commitment, made at the bank or notary, of the person who bears the costs of the stay (sponsor), indicating the family link with the student and the financial means that makes available. All such declarations must be accompanied by documentation proving the existence of such economic means. If the guarantor resides abroad, he must make the declaration at the consulate of Spain competent in his demarcation of residence. Verification of the family bond (birth certificate/marriage certificate) may be required.

7. Health insurance. Original and a copy of the certificate of public or private health insurance contracted with an insurance entity authorized to operate in Spain. The insurance policy must cover all the risks insured by Spain's public health system. 

It is not required to be presented at the time of applying for the visa. If the visa is granted, the visa contract will be requested before the visa is withdrawn. This insurance will cover medical expenses, not only emergencies ('no shortages or co-payments'»). In Spanish : sin carencias ni copagos.

If the applicant is participating in a volunteer programme, in addition to the medical insurance, they must provide a copy of the civil liability insurance policy taken out by the organization. 

8. Criminal record check certificate. Applicants of legal age who apply for a visa for a stay of more than 180 days must submit the original and a copy of the criminal record check certificate(s) issued by their country or countries of residence for the past 5 years.  

9. Medical certificate. Applicants requiring a visa for a stay of more than 180 days must submit the original and a copy of a medical certificate accrediting that they do not suffer from any disease that could cause serious repercussions for public health pursuant to the 2005 International Health Regulations.

10. Proof of residence in the consular district. The applicant must provide proof of their legal residence in the consular district or that they are attending classes, in person, in the consular district. For foreigners: resident card.

11. Proof of the representative's identity and capacity. If the applicant is a minor, it will be necessary to submit copies of the identity document or passport of one of their parents, as well as of the document constituting proof of kinship. The originals must be shown when submitting the application. If the visa application is submitted through a representative, a copy of the identity document or passport of the representative and of the power of attorney or document accrediting representation must be submitted.

12. Authorization of legal representatives. If the applicant is a minor, it will be necessary to provide the original and a copy of the parents' or guardians' authorization of the minor's temporary relocation to Spain, certified by a notary, which must also name the individual who will be responsible for the minor in Spain.

13. Payment of the visa fee.  52.000fcfa, to be paid in cash in local currency at the same time as the application is deposited.

14. Last diploma of studies. (The one that grants access to the studies in Spain). LEGALIZED at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and LEGALIZED at the Spanish Embassy.

15. Programme of studies to realize.

Required documents for family members​ 

For each family member accompanying the student, the following must be submitted: 

  • The documents listed above as 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12. Where applicable, 10 must also be provided.

Moreover, the certificates proving kinship with the student (marriage certificate, unmarried couple certificate, or birth certificate, as applicable) must be provided. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. Verified and legalized in this embassy.

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview. 



This Consular Office is competent to accept visa applications from individuals residing in the consular district or who are regularly in the consular district for study purposes even if they are not a resident. 

Applying for a study visa also entails applying for a study stay permit. 

  • Who can apply for a visa: Visa applications must be submitted in person by the applicant or by one of their parents if the applicant is a minor. They may also be submitted through a duly accredited representative. 
  • Visa application period: Visa applications must be submitted sufficiently in advance of the beginning of the pertinent study programmes, as the procedure entails consultations with other authorities.  
  • Place of submission: Taking an appointment is mandatory. Instructions to take a visa appointment.

    The appointment for the study visa application must be set for a date between 1 and 3 months before the start of classes. That is why we recommend that students apply for admission to their school at least one year in advance, and book a visa appointment according to that date. Some closer appointments can only be reserved for students from public institutions and scholarship holders from public programmes such as erasmus or AECID.

    Incomplete and walk-in (without appointment) files will not be accepted.

  • The entire dossier must be submitted in duplicate. That is, the application consists of:

    • Application Form.
    • Complete file folder containing the original documents.
    • Photocopied complete file folder.

    The folder of originals is retrieved together with the passport at the end of the procedure. The photocopies remain at the Embassy.

  • Proof of receipt: The Consular Office will provide the applicant with proof of receipt of the application with a code that enables them to check the status of the dossier through the following link: opens in new window 
  • Rectifying the application: The Consular Office may ask the applicant to submit any missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for a decision regarding the application.   The applicant may also be called in for a personal interview. 
  • Decision period: The legal period for reaching a decision is of 1 month from the day after the application submission date, but this period may be extended if an interview or additional documents are requested. 
  • Collecting the visa: The visa must be collected in person by the applicant or by their representative (if the applicant is a minor) within a maximum period of 2 months, counted as of the day after the date on which the favourable decision is notified. The Consular Office will inform the applicant regarding the procedure for the return of the passport and any other original documentation.  
  • Refusal of the visa or study stay permit: Refusals of the visa or study stay permit will always be notified in writing, setting forth the grounds on which the decision adopted was based. 
  • Appeals: If a study stay permit or visa is refused, the applicant may submit an appeal for reconsideration to this Consular Office within 1 month of the day following the date on which notification of the refusal is received. An application for judicial review may also be filed with the High Court of Justice of Madrid within the 2-month period beginning the day after the date on which the applicant receives notification of the visa refusal or of the dismissal of the reconsideration appeal. 

How to make an appeal: It can be filed any day from Monday to Thursday from 13:30 h to 14h at the Embassy desk. The appeal file consists of:

  • Letter of appeal SIGNED. Specify passport number.
  • Optional: passport.
  • Optional: New supplementary documents (originals and photocopies).

It is not necessary to resubmit the same documents that were already submitted in the denied application.


Monday to Thursday from 13:30 h to 14h at the Embassy desk​ without appointment for:

  • Withdrawal of visa files resolved.
  • Deposit and withdrawal of visa APPEALS.

Please do not come to withdraw before you have been notified or you checked in It opens in new windowIt opens in new window that the application has already been resolved.

New visa applications can only be deposited with an appointment.

WITHDRAWAL OF DOCUMENTS We return the documents only to the interested party or to a person authorized by the interested party; who must provide the power of attorney (procuration) together with the original and photocopy of the identity document of the authorized person.

WITHDRAW GRANTED VISA When withdrawing check that there are no errors in the visa label (for example, misspelled name). Check the number of days of validity of the visa, the number of entries and the dates. It is the responsibility of the traveler to check and comply with sanitary conditions. It is advisable to travel with the documents that have justified the visa, in hand luggage.

RESOLVE DOUBTS AND OBTAIN INFORMATION The only way to contact the visa section is by e-mail: .

No emails will be answered requesting information that is already contained on this website. The visa section has no hotline, and the ticket window is reserved only for depositing and withdrawing documents.

TRANSLATIONS: All documents must be translated into Spanish, but a professional translation is not required. It is acceptable not to translate obvious interpretation documents such as bank account or identity documents. We do not have a translation service at the embassy. It is not obligatory for it to be a professional translation.

Being in possession of the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) of the Instituto Cervantes will be evaluated positively. The mastery of the language in which you are going to study must be demonstrated in any case.


Where should the medical certificate be made? It can be done in any establishment recognized by the Ministry of Health of Cameroon.

How can the student or sponsor demonstrate their financial situation? Providing all available documents depending on the economic activity carried out.

I can pay for my studies myself. Do I still need a sponsor to declare my expenses? No, in that case it is only necessary to demonstrate one’s own financial means.

Is it mandatory to open a bank account in the student’s name? It is not necessary at all. It is sufficient for the sponsor to prove that he has the necessary financial means and the source of these means.

Is it mandatory to have a bank account in Spain? It is not mandatory.

My diploma was legalized long ago in the Spanish Embassy, Do we need to legalize it again? If it has already been verified and legalized in this Embassy it is not necessary to do so again.

What needs to be translated? The regulations require that all documents be translated into Spanish, for all types of national visa application. However it is acceptable not to translate documents such as passport, national identity card and bank statement. It is not required to be a professional translation.

Where are the fees of 52,000 fcfa for the visa application paid? Directly in cash at the Embassy window, at the same time as applying for the visa.

I don’t get a visa appointment at least a month before the school start date. Is it possible to get an appointment before? Not possible. We try to offer enough appointments for student visas, but at various times of the year the demand is much higher than the number of appointments we can offer. We recommend requesting admission to the school and taking your appointment as soon as possible. If you are unable to complete the procedures in time it will be necessary to cancel or reschedule the study trip. Private schools usually offer several admission periods throughout the year. We can only try to give priority appointments to students from public schools and students with public scholarships.

Are my school and my diploma recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Education? Letter of admission to a public or private educational establishment, officially recognized to continue studies / research or carry out other unpaid activities reflected in article 37 of RD 557/2011.

In case of doubt you should consult your school if the studies you intend to take have been recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

How do I find schools and studios recognized by the Ministry of Education? Here are some suggestions: Search on official websites such as: Another organization that can help you is the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education ( SEPIE ) . Twitter: @Studv_in_Spain @sepiegob Facebook: SEPIE  +34 91 377 83 13

  • Validity period of the visa: If the study stay does not exceed 6 months, the visa will be valid for the entire stay and it will not be necessary to obtain a Foreigner Identity Card. 

    ​If the study stay is for longer than 6 months, the visa will be valid for a 90-day stay. The student must apply for a Foreigner Identity Card within a period of 1 month from their entry into Spain, at the Foreign Nationals' Office or the Police Station of the province in which the permit was processed.
