Farewell to Ambassador Santiago Cabanas

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​After more than five years as Spain's Ambassador to the United States, Santiago Cabanas' diplomatic mission came to an end on January 31. Both the U.S. authorities and his embassy collaborators have thanked him for his dedication, professionalism, and tireless work in favor of Spain-U.S. relations.

The Embassy of Spain to the United States is the last destination of Santiago Cabanas, who is retiring from the Diplomatic Career after 43 years of service since his entry in 1981. During his professional career, Ambassador Cabanas also served as Ambassador of Spain to Algeria, the Czech Republic, and Jordan. He was also political counselor at this embassy in the U.S. and consul general in Miami. He has also held several positions at the headqaurters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Director of the Cabinet of the Minister and Director General of Foreign Policy, among others.

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