Spanish company FCC Environmental Services awarded $1.5 billion contract in California

April 28, 2022

Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA) recently awarded FCC Environmental Services the contract for the construction and operation of its 320-acre waste management complex to process solid waste in Placer County, California. FCC will retrofit WPWMA’s current facilities to become a High Diversion Facility in compliance with California’s SB-1383 regulation. With a total annual capacity of 650,000 tons per year, it will be one of the world’s largest facilities of its kind.

The term of the contract is 10 years with an associated backlog of $680M, with two 5-year extension options, which would add to a total $1.5B backlog. The total investment to update the facilities will be $141M and will create 215 jobs.

Placer County, located just a few miles east of Sacramento, the capital of California, is home to 410,000 residents and is one of the fastest growing communities in the United States. The contract will commence on July 1st, 2022. The complex will consist of an MSW sorting facility, a C&D facility, a composting facility for organics, food and yard waste and a landfill.

With this important award, FCC extends its presence in the United States to California, a state with over 40 million residents and the largest waste producer with the most advanced waste recycling and environmental regulations in the United States.

Providing services to more than 9 million Americans, FCC is already one of the most important solid waste companies in the United States.


This statement was originally published by FCC Environmental Services.

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