Spain to send 20 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

February 26, 2022

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, today attended the reception of the first shipment of humanitarian aid made up of 20 tons of medication and health material.

José Manuel Albares, who was accompanied, during his visit to Torrejón de Ardoz Air Base, where the shipment left from, by the Chargé d’affaires from the Ukrainian Embassy in Spain, Dmytro Matiuschenko, and by the Director of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, Antón Leis, underlined that the shipment of this material “is one more sign of our support for and solidarity with Ukraine”.

“Spain, a country with a strong tradition of solidarity, is extremely sensitive to the profound suffering of the Ukrainian people”, stated the minister, who took the opportunity to reiterate his strong condemnation of the Russian attack on the Ukrainian people.

This situation has led to a major movement of people, primarily towards the western border, which has collapsed as hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to flee their country. It has also led to an increase in the need for basic articles, particularly health and shelter material.

This shipment responds to the request made on 15 February by the Ukrainian Government to the European Civil Protection Mechanism with a view to the potential worsening humanitarian situation. The call by Ukraine includes goods to cater for urgent needs: healthcare products and medication, vehicles, personal protective equipment, blankets and tents, among others.

Following this request, Spain is sending these 20 tons of medication and healthcare material valued at more than 150,000 euros. Transportation will take place by road at a cost of 10,000 euros, under the umbrella of a Team Europe initiative.




Original press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation in Spanish and English

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