President Sánchez holds a meeting with the American Business Council

​The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has held a working breakfast with the American Business Council, a business association founded in 1988 that brings together the Spanish subsidiaries of American multinationals.

January 28, 2022
​During the meeting, the head of the Executive shared his satisfaction with the good performance of the economy. He welcomed the fact that GDP grew by 5% in 2021, as has just been made public today, and especially the employment data of the latest EPA, with 20.18 million people employed and the fall in the unemployment rate to 13.3%, returning the labour market to levels prior to the financial crisis.
Sánchez highlighted the historic opportunity that the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience PlanIt opens in new window represents, both in terms of the structural reforms that are being carried out and the millions of euros in investments that are already being made. In the first half of 2022, around 200 public tenders are expected to be opened worth more than 22 billion euros, said the President of the Government of Spain at the meeting attended by the Secretary General for Economic Affairs and G20, Manuel de la Rocha and the new US Ambassador, Julissa Reynoso, as well as senior executives of major US companies led by the President of the American Business Council, Miguel Carmelo, and its Secretary General, Javier Aparicio.
Finally, the head of the Executive wished to recognise the important role that US companies have played in Spain's economic growth, while urging those present to redouble their confidence in our country.
Original statements from La Moncloa (Spanish Presidency) in English and Spanish

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