Internship visa

Visa for foreigners who have obtained a university degree in the past two years or who are pursuing studies that will lead to their obtaining a university degree in Spain or abroad, and who are participating in an internship programme in Spain (through the signature of an internship agreement or of a trainee contract) with the purpose of improving their knowledge, their skills and their experience in a professional environment. 

If these conditions are not met, it is possible to apply for a study visa for the undertaking of other internships in Spain (see “study visas​").

Applicable legislation: 

Entrepreneurial Support Act of 27 September 2013 (Ley 14/2013) partially modified by Law 25/2015 (11th final provision) and by the Royal Decree-Law 11/2018 (Title III)

It does not apply to EU citizens or to nationals of countries to whom EU law applies for being beneficiaries of the rights of free movement and residence. 

​The applicant must be 18 years old or older and not be illegally present in the Spanish territory or be listed as rejectable in the territory of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement to that effect. 

The Embassy of Spain in Seoul will process the visa applications submitted by applicants living in the consular jurisdiction in person by APPOINTMENT only (see General Information​​)

​비자 신청은 예약제이며 무조건 대한민국에 거주하는 자만 비자신청이 가능하다 (바로가기​)

Required documents​ 

1. National visa application form​새로운 윈도우로 열립니다. Applicants must complete in English or Spanish and sign a visa application form, filling in each of its sections. 

2. Photograph. One​ recent, passport-size, colour photograph, taken against a white​ background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face. 

3. Valid, unexpired passport. [Original and a photocopy] of the page or pages of the passport that contain biometric data. The passport must have a minimum validity period of 1 year and contain two blank pages. Passports issued more than 10 years ago will not be accepted.  

4. Resolución de autorización de residencia inicial para prácticas: issued by the Large Business and Strategic Groups Unit (Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Colectivos Estratégicos). [Original and a photocopy]

The visa application must be submitted within one month from the notification to the employer of the authorisation grant.​

5. Criminal record check certificate. Applicants of legal age must submit the criminal record check certificate(s) issued by their country or/and countries of residence for the past 5 years preceding the date of the visa application.  It cannot be older than 3 months, unless the certificate itself specifies a longer expiration. These certificates must be legalised through the consular representations of the issuing country or, in the case of signatory countries to the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, hold the Hague Apostille (except official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union, which will not require to be legalised). Sworn translation into Spanish is also required. [Original and photocopy]

6. Valid and unexpired Korean residence card: must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the planned departure date from Korea (only for non-Korean Nationals). [Original and photocopy]

7. Proof of the representative's identity and capacity. If the applicant is a minor, it will be necessary to present originals and submit copies of the identity document or passport of one of their parents, as well as of the document constituting proof of kinship. Original documents must be shown when submitting the application. If the visa application is submitted through a representative, a copy of the identity document or passport of the representative and of the power of attorney or document accrediting representation must be submitted. The originals must be shown when submitting the application. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, if necessary, submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 

8. Payment of the visa fee. Please refer to the section Consular Service fees​.

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview. ​

Validity period of the visa: The visa is valid for 1 year, or for the same period as the residence permit granted, provided that this permit is for less than 1 year.

The visa accredits residence in Spain during its validity period, making it unnecessary to obtain a Foreigner Identity Card (TIE). However, this card may be applied for at the Foreign Nationals' Office or the corresponding Police Station. 


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