영사 서비스 수수료는 대사관 영사과에 직접 방문시 현금(원화)으로만 결제가 가능합니다.
Consular fees must be paid by cash at the Embassy of Spain in Seoul. *통화/Currency: 원화/Won(KRW)
1. 비자 Visas
1)Schengen Visa
1-1) General: 135,800 KRW
*Children of 6 to 12: 67,900 KRW
*Children aged 5 and under: exemption
2)National Visa
대한민국 국적자는 비자 수수료 면제입니다.
2-1) the United States
-Study visa: 230,000 KRW
-Working visas: 273,150 KRW
-Entrepreneur or Employee visas: 388,150 KRW
-Others: 201,250 KRW
2-2) Australia
-Study visa: 649,000 KRW
-Working visas: 4,241,350 KRW
-Others: please send an email to emb.seul.sc@maec.es
2-3) Britain
-Study visa: 627,700 KRW
-Others: please send an email to emb.seul.sc@maec.es
2-4) Canada
-Study visa: 1,377,100 KRW
-Working visas: 1,377,100 KRW
-Entrepreneur or Employee visas: 2,158,950 KRW
-Others: please send an email to emb.seul.sc@maec.es
2-5) Other Nationalities: 135,800 KRW
-Mauritania: 362,200 KRW
2. 허가서 수수료 Fees for permit
1) 790-052 신청 허가서 790-052 application permit: 33,000 KRW
2) Entrepreneur or Employee permit: 307,650 KRW
3) Others: please send an email to emb.seul.sc@maec.es
3. 스페인 여권 Pasaporte: 45,250 KRW
4. 위임장 Poderes: 45,350 KRW
5. 외국인 등록번호 NIE: 14,850 KRW
6. 스페인 운전면허증 확인서 Verificación del permiso de conducción: 16,200 KRW
7. 서명공증 Legitimación de firmas: 9,700 KRW
8. 원본대조필 Compulsa: 4,850 KRW *por hoja (per each sheet 한장당 가격)
TASA - Servicios Consulares 2025.pdf