
​Alfredo Martínez Serrano

Welcome to the website of the Embassy of Spain to Canada!

Spain and Canada are both modern and dynamic countries, united by history, with a strong relationship today, and which wish to work together towards the future.

This website brings us closer and it is at your service: we offer important information on the functioning and activities of the Embassy, its Offices and the General Consulates of Spain in Montreal and Toronto. We also offer useful information on main data on the bilateral relations between Spain and Canada.

The Embassy has also profiles on social networks such as TwitterIt opens in new window and InstagramIt opens in new window​, where you will be able to find current information on different matters. We encourage you to follow us.

Spanish-Canadian relations are built up, on an everyday basis, with the commitment and hard work of our institutions, our business firms and a dynamic civil society, composed of true citizens of whom we are very proud of.

We would like to stand by you and be at your disposal in Canada.

Thank you very much. With all my affection,

Alfredo Martínez
Ambassador of Spain to Canada

Curriculum vita​e
Alfredo Martínez Serrano was born in Oviedo (Spain) in 1971. He graduated in Law after finishing his studies at the Universities of Oviedo and Pisa (Italy).
He obtained a Master in European Union Law at the European Institute of the Free University of Brussels and has completed the Program of Public Management and Leadership at IESE in Spain. He has joined and studied several courses on Political Science at the University of California.
Since he became a diplomat, he was Chief of Service at the Cabinet of the Minister, of Foreign Affairs and he was posted, always as Deputy Chief of Mission, in the Spanish Embassies in Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, El Salvador and Egypt. Between the years 2007 and 2012 he was Deputy Chief of Protocol at the Royal Household of Spain, responsible for the international agenda and public activities of the Crown Prince and Princess.
He was appointed in 2014 as Chief of Protocol of the Royal Household of Spain. In these last five years, he has been managing His Majesty’s the King of Spain agenda and being involved in a very intense reform of the Royal Household.
In December 2021, he presented his credential to the Governor General of Canada as Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain.
He is fluent in English, French, Italian, Arabic and Bulgarian.
He is married and has three children.​

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