Comunicado de los Jefes de Misión de la UE con motivo de las inundaciones en Kenia

10 de mayo de 2018
The EU Heads of Mission are greatly saddened at the news of the tragedy in Nakuru County, where many people in the Solai area are feared to have lost their lives and hundreds have lost their homes after the Patel Dam burst last night following heavy rain.
The EU Heads of Mission send their sympathy to all the affected communities. The EU is monitoring the evolving situation in Nakuru County as well as the wider flooding situation across Kenya. The Nairobi office of the EU's humanitarian aid department (ECHO) stands ready to support efforts to provide emergency assistance.
This statement issued by the following Heads of Mission in Kenya: European Union, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.

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