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Important information for British citizens who wish to enter Spain

14 de mayo de 2021

The Embassy of Spain to the United Kingdom would like to clarify that UK nationals who were legally residing in Spain before 1 January 2021, and as such are beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement, can prove their residence status when entering Spain while entry restrictions remain in place by presenting any one of the following documents:
  • Residence card issued under Article 18.4 of the Withdrawal Agreement (the TIE) – ‘la tarjeta de identidad de extranjero (TIE)’.
  • Temporary or permanent EU residence certificate (green certificate) – ‘el certificado de registro de ciudadano de la Unión’ (tarjeta verde).
  • Residence card as a family member of an EU citizen – ‘la tarjeta de familiar de ciudadano de la Unión’.
  • Receipt of application to exchange an EU residence certificate (green certificate) or residence card as a family member of an EU citizen for the new TIE (residence card issued under Article 18.4 of the Withdrawal Agreement) – ‘el resguardo de expedición de la tarjeta de identidad de extranjero (TIE) o de la tarjeta de familiar de ciudadano de la Unión’.
  • Confirmation of the positive outcome of your residence application from the Immigration Office – ‘la resolución favorable de reconocimiento como beneficiario del Acuerdo de Retirada emitida por la Oficina de Extranjería competente’.
It is possible to request proof of beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement on line, through the Mercurio application: