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The “Prize Papers” come to light

These documents are about Spanish ships captured by Great Britain between 1652 and 1815.

November 23, 2023

​​For centuries, the National Archives of the United Kingdom have been guarding documents of incalculable historical value confiscated from the Spanish by British privateers and warships. They are the so-called “Prize Papers", amongst which there are personal letters, drawings, recipes or official documents.

The Ambassador attended, together with the Deputy Director General of the Spanish State Archives, the launch of the first part of the collection, which includes documents from some thirty Spanish ships captured in naval battles such as those of Cartagena de Indias (1741) or Toulon (1744).

The Spanish representative highlighted the public nature of the project and the great historical value of the legacy, which will contribute to a better understanding of our past.

The “Prize Papers" can be seen on the website