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Round table event "Gender Perspectives in Climate Change Research"

​The event was organized by the Community of Spanish Scientists in the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the Women for Africa Foundation, the Cervantes Institute and the Spanish Embassy in London.

March 30, 2023

There were discussions on the importance of investigating climate change from a broad perspective, which takes into account factors that affect the vulnerability of people such as gender, race or social class.

The event was attended by Dr. Victoria Showunmi, Dr. Kamya Choudhary, Dr. Cristina Barrero Sicilia and Dr. Oluwakemi Oduntan, researchers specialized in climate crises and gender studies.

Dr. Choudhary emphasized the interdependence between climate action and gender justice, stating that "women and other minorities face the impacts of the climate crisis disproportionately."

The Counsellor for Cultural and Scientific Affairs of the Spanish Embassy highlighted that "if we want to act quickly and decisively to stop climate change, we must listen to women, scientists, and especially African women".