Tribute to Núria Espert

​​The actress was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Royal School of Speech and Drama of the University of London

March 18, 2024

​​The Ambassador, José Pascual Marco, spoke about the legendary Spanish performer, who has dominated the Spanish theatre for decades and who has been an example for thousands of actors. The Spanish representative recalled some beautiful verses that the poet Rafael Alberti dedicated to the Catalan actress after seeing her sublime interpretation of Oscar Wilde's Salome.​

María Delgado, Professor at the Royal School of Drama, recalled the ties that unite Espert with London, where she performed her best work. The director of the institution, Josette Bushell-Mingo, read evocative impressions of relevant figures from the world of theatre about Núria Espert.
Julie Legrand, a British actress who coincided with Núria Espert on the London stage, read a poem by Peter Sellars as a tribute, inspired by the Spanish artist.
Having thanked everyone for her distinction and summarizing her life and career, the honouree recited Lorca's Romance Sonámbulo and its “Verde,​​ que te quiero verde…”
Núria Espert's career began in the 1950s and encompasses theatre, cinema and opera, which has brought her multiple awards and has led her to perform on stages around the world.

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