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A guide to Sustainable Tourism in Spain

​​The Wanderlust publishing house presented the publication at the Embassy

June 4, 2024

The Ambassador, José Pascual Marco, described the benefits of Spain as a tourist destination highligthing the over 17 million Britons who visited our country in 2023. He also stressed the need to delve deeper into a sustainable mode of tourism.

The chief editor and owner of Wanderlust, George Kipouros, described Spain as a tourist destination that has it all (culture, heritage, nature, sun, coast, mountains, gastronomy) and with great potential for sustainable tourism, in a way that is respectful towards the ecosystem, ensuring the minimum impact on the environment and local culture.

The Counsellor of Tourism, Manuel Butler Halter, mentioned that the guide is a magnificent testimony of the “real Spain”, which will help to discover the lesser-known corners of the country. He also emphasized the actions taken to guarantee the sustainability of tourist activities.

You can read the Wanderlust Sustainable Travel Guide to Spain here​.