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Proud of our Pride 2024

The Embassy celebrated the LGTBIQ+ Pride Day with the collaboration of Deutsche Bank and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Ambassador, José Pascual Marco, recalled the progress made by Spain in terms of LGTBIQ+ rights since the arrival of democracy, and the need to continue advancing in this matter.

The representative of the Chamber of Commerce, Raquel Barrera, and the Head of Strategy of Deutsche Bank, Marie-Jeanne Deverdun, spoke of the commitment of their institutions to LGTBIQ+ rights.

Likewise, Lord Smith of Finsbury, member of the House of Lords and the first British MP to publicly declare his homosexuality, recalled his personal experience and insisted that acceptance and tolerance is everyone's duty.

The gathering continued with a panel in which it was discussed how to reflect legal advances in daily practice, especially in the world of business and finance.

The event concluded with a party to celebrate Pride.​