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The Ambassador in Wales

​José Pascual Marco met with the First Minister, visited the Spanish company CAF, learned about Cardiff University, and held a meeting with the Spanish community.

May 24, 2023

The two-day stay began with a visit to the facilities that CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) has in Newport. The Ambassador toured the plant accompanied by the company's CEO, Javier Martínez. CAF manufactures and assembles trains with state-of-the-art and eco-friendly technology in Newport.  Currently, the Spanish company is working on the delivery of 77 trains to the Welsh government.

In Cardiff, the Ambassador met with the Chief Minister, Mark Drakeford, with whom he discussed British politics and Wales' association with Spain and the European Union. They also addressed the cooperation of Wales with various Spanish regions, and the work of the Atlantic Arc Commission. The Ambassador and Drakeford talked about student mobility,  and the need to recover the spirit of Erasmus. The Welsh leader spoke about the Taith programme in which Wales tries to revitalize exchanges between Welsh and European students.

The Ambassador met with the representative of Europe for the Welsh Government, Derek Vaughan, and with the Deputy speaker of the Senedd (Welsh parliament). Furthermore, he witnessed a parliamentary session.

The Spanish representative also held a meeting with the Spanish community in which he learned about the concerns of our compatriots.

The Ambassador concluded his agenda at Cardiff University by speaking to the Vice-Chancellor for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences of the University and others authorities of the institution, as well as with members of the Spanish Department, who conveyed the growing demand for Spanish courses and doctorates.