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The Ambassador visits the London synagogue of Bevis Marks

​He was received by Rabbi Joseph Dwek, Head of the Sephardic Community of Spanish and Portuguese Jews, the oldest in the United Kingdom.

April 19, 2023

​The Spanish Representative, accompanied by the Cultural Attache, toured the synagogue together with the Rabbi, who explained the history of the building and its connection with the Sephardim. The synagogue was opened to the public in 1701 and is the oldest in the United Kingdom.

The Ambassador expressed his excitement at learning more about the history of British Jews and Sephardim, and his special connection with Spain. On the walls of the synagogue you can see the Spanish names and surnames of the first members of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom. The Spanish-Portuguese community continues to play a prominent role in the synagogue, highlighting their contribution to the repair of the building after the damage caused by an IRA bomb in 1992.

The Ambassador congratulated the Board of Deputies for their work, and offered the collaboration of Spain to preserve the Sephardic legacy.