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Donation of unpublished photos of the Condor Legion

The images will be delivered to the Spanish Documentary Center of Historical Memory

June 13, 2023

​John Knowles, a British citizen and lover of history, bought 9 reels of film a year ago at a London flea market, containing reels of 35mm of photography with images of the Condor Legion.

Understanding the importance and rarity of the photos, Mr Knowles shared his find with Professor of Contemporary History at Rovira i Virgili University, Joan María Thomas. He suggested that he donate the negatives to the State of Spain, so that they could be incorporated into the Historical Memory Documentation Center, where they could be preserved and studied. There are around 200 photos, which will allow to complete the investigations on the activities of these nazi troops during the Spanish Civil War.

Ambassador José Pascual Marco, in the presence of the Consul General, received this important photographic material, thanking Mr. Knowles for his generosity, and stressing the historical value of the contribution. The event was attended by representatives of the British Spanish Society and the Basque Children's Association.