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Spain takes over the Presidency of the European Union

The Embassy welcomed the transfer between Sweden and the Spain.

July 3, 2023

The event, which was attended by both politicians and members of British and European civil societies, began with a speech from the Swedish Chargé d´ Affaires who reviewed the milestones of Sweden's semester. The Spanish Ambassador acknowledged the work of Stockholm at a complex time due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The President of the Government of Spain presented the axes of the Spanish Presidency by video, insisting on the commitment to bring Europe closer to its citizens. The Ambassador, for his part, highlighted the European spirit of Spanish society and outlined the four priorities of our semester: reindustrializing Europe, promoting the green transition, reinforcing the social pillar of the European project and strengthening the unity of Europe. The Spanish representative insisted on the determination of Spain and the EU to support Ukraine, reminding that President Sánchez launched the presidency in Kiev, as a sign of Spanish and European support for Ukraine.

Lastly, the Spanish Ambassador highlighted the worthy prospects for the relations between the EU and the United Kingdom after the signing of the Windsor framework, and stressed Spain's commitment to strengthening this reunion.