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Start Vuelta August 2022

La Vuelta Holanda

​19 - 21 August, Utrecht, Den Bosch and Breda

May 31, 2022

​The Vuelta Ciclista España will start in August 2022 on Dutch soil. The first three stages of La Vuelta will take place in the Netherlands, with arrival or departure in cities such as Utrecht, Breda and Den Bosch (Bolduque). In the run-up to this event, a series of activities to promote Spanish culture will take place, among others:

The exhibition “Prado in Breda”, with paintings from the Prado Museum to the Valkenberg Park in the center of Breda, on view for free until the 21 August; five weeks of promotion of different Spanish regions through sustainable tourism and gastronomy, organized by Tourspain; the creation of a Spanish/D​utch cycling dictionaryIt opens in new window, in collaboration with Instituto Cervantes in Utrecht.

More information about this events on the website of La Vuelta HolandaIt opens in new window and the Instituto Cervantes​It opens in new window.

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