
Eötvös u. 11/B
1067 Budapest
GPS coordinates: 47.505718; 19.064914

                          (47º 30´ 19" N  / 19º 31´ 54" E)​

Contact us​​

Main telephone directory

Phone: - from Spain: 00 36 1 202 40 06 / 0036 1 202 40 15
           - from Budapest: 202 40 06 / 202 40 15

Fax:     - from Spain: 00 36 1 202 42 06
            - from Budapest: 202 42 06

e-mail: opens in new window

Emergency contact information​​

In an emergency involving a Spanish citizen out of the working ours, you can reach us via the Embassy’s consular emergency number, which is fully operative 24 h.

The following emergency number can exclusively be dialled in the event of an emergency or a major necessity which can not await until the following working day to be solved.

00 36 30 924 80 92   (from Hungary)
00 36 30 924 80 92   (from Spain) Emergencies ​​

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