Declaración conjunta en apoyo de la marcha "Together for women's safety" 2023

20 de octubre de 2023

Bucharest, 20 of October 2023

Violence against women and girls continues to be a global phenomena that affects all countries and states. It is a direct violation of basic human rights and it is our shared responsibility to take all measures necessary to bring to an end.

The UN estimates that one woman in three has experienced violence in her lifetime. Often, this violence is perpetrated by those directly close to the victims: around a third of women report having suffered violence at the hands of their partner, while 1 in 4 women in Romania have been sexually or physically abused by their partner or former partner.

As parties to the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, states and the European Union are bound to  elaborate, implement and properly finance  adequate policies against gender based violence.

The fight against such violence is a public matter and an important obligation of all states in order to assure the safety of their citizens.

We strongly support the improvement of services for gender based violence victims and encourage the establishment of strategies and protocols for the prevention of gender based violence in Romania, alongside the implementation of existing legislation.

The signing parties of the present statement continue to support the work of the NGOs in this field and express their public support for the assembly “Together for women's safety!". We show our solidarity with every woman and girl who has suffered violence. The event will take place Sunday, 22 October 2023 starting 15.00 in Bucharest on the following route: University Square (National Theatre Bucharest) – Victory Square.

The event is organized by the Network for Prevention and Combating Violence against Women (VIF), which comprises 25 non-governmental organizations involved in promoting women's rights, protecting victims/survivors of gender-based violence and combating gender discrimination.

This year, VIF will focus its awareness-raising efforts on ensuring public and proper local funding of services for gender violence survivors and for aggressors

Only by joining efforts can we bring change and end violence against women and girls! 

This joint statement is signed by the following embassies and representatives of international institutions:

Embassy of Austria in Romania, Embassy of Belgium in Romania, Embassy of Canada to Romania, Royal Danish Embassy in Bucharest, EU Commission Representation in Romania, Embassy of Finland to Romania, Embassy of France in Romania, Embassy of Germany in Romania, Embassy of Ireland in Romania, Embassy of Italy in Romania, Embassy of Israel in Romania, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Romania, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest, Embassy of the Portuguese Republic in Bucharest, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Romania, Embassy of Spain in Romania, Embassy of Sweden in Romania, Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Romania, British Embassy in Romania, U.S. Embassy in Romania.

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