
April 11, 2024

I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the Embassy of Spain in Athens.
This page is intended to be a useful information tool for Spanish citizens in Greece, both for residents and passers-by and for the thousands of Spanish tourists who visit this wonderful country, as well as for foreigners who, from this country or from abroad, want to know about the services and news offered by this Embassy of Spain.
We will try to keep this website as updated as possible.  As a complement to this website, we also have a FacebookIt opens in new window account, one of the most visited of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as another on TwitterIt opens in new window, InstagramIt opens in new window and also Youtube channel​It opens in new window through which we regularly report on those news or initiatives, especially of economic, social, cultural and consular nature, which may be of interest to our followers.
On the other hand, this Embassy has several Offices and a branch of the Cervantes Institute. I encourage all those who are interested to also explore the digital content of these other units, some of which maintain accounts on social networks. 
The Embassy has a wide network of Honorary Consulates, details of which can be found in the Demarcation section of this website.
The Embassy is at your disposal. We appreciate any suggestions you may have through the e-mail  and through for inquiries and information. We are located at 21 Dionisiou Areopagitou Street, 21, a central location, very close to the Acropolis. Our telephone number d​​uring office hours is +30 210 92 13 123. For emergencies our cell phone number is +30 6945704001. 
I would like to invite you to follow us and, if you wish, to give us your feedback.
Thank you very much for your interest. Best regards. 
Jorge​  Domecq​


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