Learn África Canarias 2022

The Women for Africa Foundation, with the support of the Department of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Government of the Canary Islands, has just launched its call for the Learn Africa Canarias Program 2022.

June 24, 2022

In its previous edition, around 280 African female students from 39 countries were able to complete one of the 30 online courses that were offered within the framework of the program.

 The 2022 call includes a wide variety of courses in different subjects, such as renewable energies, health, tourism and women, economics and international relations, among others, and are taught mainly in Spanish and English and, to a lesser extent, in French. The call includes specialized courses, language courses and university courses designed by the Universities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and La Laguna, and their foundations, Fundación Canaria Universitaria of the University of Las Palmas and Fundación Canaria General of the University of La Laguna, as well as by the Technological Institute of the Canary Islands (ITC).

 All the courses are taken online and are scheduled to be delivered between August and December of this year. All the information on the call, as well as the steps to follow to apply for a scholarship and the requirements for each course are available on the Foundation's website. The application process will be open until July 3, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. (Madrid time).

 Kindly find below the links to the web pages of the call in Spanish and English. We would appreciate it if you could share them with those young African women that may be interested in applying for a scholarship:

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