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Welcome to the website of the Embassy of Spain in Abuja, Nigeria.

It is with great joy and sense of honour that I introduce myself as the Ambassador of Spain to Nigeria, this fascinatingly, inspiringly unique country. Unique for its people, its culture, its powerful economy and its diversity. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to represent Spain in Nigeria, convinced as I am of the opportunities that Nigeria can offer Spain, and viceversa.

Diplomatic relations between Spain and Nigeria began right after independence and have only intensified ever since in the political sphere and in that of economy, culture and co-operation. Nowadays, Nigeria is a priority country for the objectives of Spanish foreign policy in Africa, due to its demographic and economic relevance, as well as to its condition of regional power. I am therefore very enthusiastic to continue the legacy of these relations and contribute to the further strengthening of the ties between Nigeria and Spain, with the support of the Nigerian authorities and the collaboration of the entire staff of the Embassy of Spain. I wish to open the doors of this Embassy to all Spanish citizens living in the country and to all Nigerians who have interest in Spain.

I hope this website can be a useful instrument for all those who need anything from this Embassy.

My best greetings to all of you.

Marcelino Cabanas Ansorena
Ambassador of Spain