Location and contacts​​​ 

Impasse Ablaha Pokou. Cocody Danga Nord.
08 B.P. 876.- Abidjan 08.
Phones from Spain: 00 225 27 2244 4850 / 4577.
Phones: 27 2244 4850 y 27 2244 4577.
Fax: 27 2244 7122.
E-mail: emb.abidjan@maec.es
Facebook: Embajada de España en Costa de MarfilIt opens in new window

​Twitter: @EmbEspRCI It opens in new window

Consular Emergency Phone:
In the event of a serious emergency concerning a Spanish citizen (accidents, arrests, thefts and other acts of violence, hospitalization, conflicts and disasters, etc.), you can contact the consular emergency phone (00225 0707 42 57 89). No information on visas and other administrative procedures will be provided.


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