Foreigner Identity Number (NIE) and Hunting Permit



​NIE applications can be submitted without an appointment Monday to Friday​, from 9am to 1pm, at the Consular Section of the Embassy. ​


  • EX-15 Application form.pdf (original and one copy) completed and signed by the applicant or the representative. You must indicate the economic, professional or social reason for requesting an NIE number and write it in Spanish on the form. 
  • Form 790-052 duly completed, f​ollowing the instructions offered on the website. The fee can be paid in person in cash or Money Order at the Consular Section. In 2025, the fee is of $10​. Please note you should:
    • Add your passport number when prompted to write your N.I.F/N.I.E,
    • Write your US address,
    • Keep selected "Principal" in "Autoliquidación",
    • Select "En efectivo" in "Forma de pago".
  • Original and copy of the applicant's valid, unexpired Passport. Nationals of Member States of the European Union may identify themselves with their identity document. If the application is presented by a representative, only the certified copy of the document should be provided.
  • Proof of residence in the Consular district (Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina): Original and copy of Driver's License or State ID. 
If the NIE is requested via a representative, the original and copy of the representative's Passport or identity document must be presented, along with a Power of Attorney which expressly grants the representative power to present the NIE application. 

If the applicant is a minor or is incapacitated, a copy of the family record book, birth certificate or guardianship document must be presented. In addition, the valid passport or ID of the parent or guardian must be shown.


NIEs are assigned by the General Commissariat for Immigration and Borders, under the aegis of the Spanish Police Directorate-General. Therefore, the Consular Office cannot expedite the processing time

The NIE is normally issued within 10-15 days, but this period may be extended by factors beyond the control of the administration. 

The NIE is sent to the applicant by email. Therefore, an email address for notification purposes must be provided on the application form.


The NIE is a personal, unique and exclusive number that is assigned to foreigners who, for economic, professional, or social reasons, are engaged in activities related to Spain and require identification in this country. ​

A NIE obtained via the Consular Office identifies the bearer to all levels of the Spanish public administration, but does not entitle the holder to reside in Spain or prove residence there. 

Foreigners who wish to become residents in Spain must be aware of the possible need to obtain a visa beforehand. Citizens of the European Union, once established in Spain, must register at the Central Registry of Foreign Nationals.  


  • Organic Law 4/2000, of 11 January, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners and their social integration
  • Royal Decree 557/2011, of 20 April, regulating the implementation of Organic Law 4/2000, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners and their social integration, as amended by Organic Law 2/2009​


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