Obtaining a NIE
A NIE may be requested directly in Spain or at the Consular Office of the applicant's country of residence.
Who can apply for a NIE at the Consulate General of Spain in Toronto?
Foreigners who are not going to be residents in Spain can apply for a NIE to be assigned for economic, professional or social interests at the Consulate General of Spain in Toronto.
The Consulate General of Spain in Toronto can only process NIE applications submitted by Canadian nationals or foreigners legally residing in our consular jurisdiction
in Canada. In any case, the interested party will have to document the economic, professional or social interests justifying their application.
What is the procedure to apply for a NIE at the Consulate General in Toronto?
With immediate effect, as of July 8th, 2024, the NIE application must be submitted in person or through an accredited representative. You can book an appointment by e-mail at
cog.toronto.nie@maec.es. No applications will be accepted by mail.
What are the required documents?
Form EX-15 duly filled out and signed by the foreigner.
The form will be filled out online and then will be printed to be signed.
The form will be filled out in Spanish. In the event that the interested party has a NIE and is applying to renew it, please indicate “Certificado” in section 4.1.
Form 790-012
for the payment of the consular fee duly filled out and signed by the foreigner.
- Original or Notarized copy of passport. The Canadian driver’s license will not be accepted as a piece of identification.
- Photocopy of biographical page of the passport.
- Proof of “economic, professional or social interests” justifying the application. Please specify in the form EX-15.
How can the consular fee be paid?
You can find the amount of the consular fee in the section
You can pay in cash, with money order or guaranteed or certified cheque, in Canadian dollars, payable to the “Consulate General of Spain in Toronto”. Personal cheques will not be accepted.
How can the Department of NIE/NIF be contacted?
We will only answer with respect to information which cannot be found on the website.
Document processing and delivery time
A NIE is assigned by the General Commissariat for Immigration and Borders, under the aegis of the Spanish Directorate-General for the Police. The Consular Office cannot shorten the document processing time. The NIE is normally issued within eight weeks, but this period may be extended by factors beyond the control of the administration. The NIE is sent to the applicant by email. Therefore, an email address for notification purposes must be provided on the application form.
Important information about the NIE
The NIE is a personal, unique and exclusive number that is assigned to foreigners who, for economic, professional, or social reasons, are engaged in activities related to Spain and require identification in this country.
A NIE obtained via the Consular Office identifies the bearer to all levels of the Spanish public administration, but does not entitle the holder to reside in Spain or prove residence there.
Foreigners who wish to become residents in Spain must be aware of the possible need to obtain a visa beforehand. Citizens of the European Union, once established in Spain, must register at the Central Registry of Foreign Nationals.
Relevant legislation
- Organic Law 4/2000, of 11 January, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners and their social integration.
- Royal Decree 557/2011, of 20 April, regulating the implementation of Organic Law 4/2000, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners and their social integration, as amended by Organic Law 2/2009.