Visa for people aged 16 and over who wish to work as employees in Spain (with a work contract). This visa covers seasonal work activities.
The applicant must be a resident of New South Wales, Queensland or the Northern Territory.
Required documents
1. National visa application form
. Each applicant must complete and sign a visa application, filling in each of its sections. If the applicant is a minor, one of their parents must sign the application.
2. Photograph. A recent, passport-size, colour photograph, taken against a light background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face.
3. Valid, unexpired passport. Original and a photocopy of the page or pages of the passport that contain biometric data. The passport must have a minimum validity period of 4 months (in the case of a temporary contract, the validity period must cover the duration of the contract) and contain two blank pages. Passports issued more than 10 years ago will not be accepted.
4. Residence and work Authorisation from Spain (Resolución de Concesión de Autorización de Residencia y Trabajo).
5. Work contract. A copy of the work contract stamped by the Foreign Nationals' Office in relation to which the initial authorization for temporary residence and work was granted.
6. Criminal Check: Fingerprint check from your nearest Police station, covering all states of Australia for Australian residents and Police Courts Check for New Zealand residents, and, police clearance certificates from any other country where the applicant has lived in the last 5 years (this/these documents must be less than 6 months old).
Translated into Spanish.
7. Medical Certificate from your Doctor, stating that applicant “does not have any of the diseases that could harm the public health according to THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (2005), and is fit to travel” (must be less than 6 months old). Translated into Spanish.
8. Proof of residence in the consular district.
9. Proof of the representative's identity and capacity. If the applicant is a minor, it will be necessary to present originals and submit copies of the identity document or passport of one of their parents, as well as of the document constituting proof of kinship. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.
10. A non-refundable visa fee in Australian dollars. Payment is accepted by money order. Without this payment a visa will not be processed. Money Orders to be made payable to: Consulate General of Spain. For updated visa fees please forward an email with the following information: Full Name as it appears on your passport and Country of Passport and type of visa you are applying for:
When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.
This Consular Office is competent to accept visa applications from individuals residing in the consular district.
- Who can apply for a visa: Visa applications must be submitted by post to this Consular Office by the applicant, or by one of their parents if the applicant is a minor.
- Visa application period: The visa application must be submitted within a period of 1 month, counted as of the day after the date on which the employer is notified of the favourable decision regarding the initial residence and employment permit.
- Place of submission: To apply:
1. Forward complete application by post, including original passport and visa fee to the following address:
Consulate-General of Spain in Sydney St. Martins Tower, Level 24, 31 Market Street Sydney 2000 NSW Australia
2. Once it is received and there are no missing documents the visa will be processed, and our Central authorities in Spain will make a decision on the application.
3. Upon a decision being made the applicant must collect their passport in person from our office.
- Proof of receipt: The Consular Office will provide the applicant with proof of receipt of the application with a code that enables them to check the status of the dossier through the following link:
- Rectifying the application: The Consular Office may ask the applicant to submit any missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for a decision regarding the application. The applicant may also be called in for a personal interview.
- Decision period: The legal period for reaching a decision is of 1 month from the day after the application submission date, but this period may be extended if an interview or additional documents are requested.
- Collecting the visa: The visa must be collected in person by the applicant or by their legal representative (if the applicant is a minor) within a maximum period of 1 month, counted as of the day after the date on which the favourable decision is notified. The Consular Office will inform the applicant regarding the procedure for the return of the passport and any other original documentation.
- Visa refusal: Visa refusals will always be notified in writing, setting forth the grounds on which the decision adopted was based.
- Appeals: If a visa is refused, the applicant may submit an appeal for reconsideration to this Consular Office within 1 month of the day following the date on which notification of the refusal is received. An application for judicial review may also be filed with the High Court of Justice of Madrid within the 2-month period beginning the day after the date on which the applicant receives notification of the visa refusal or of the dismissal of the reconsideration appeal.
- Validity period of the visa: If the contract is for one year, the visa will be valid for 90 days. Once in Spain, the worker must register with the Social Security system before beginning their work activity and apply for a Foreigner Identity Card at the Foreign Nationals' Office or the corresponding police station, within 1 month from their registration with the Social Security system.
If the work contract is for seasonal work, the visa will be valid for the entire period for which the applicant is authorized to reside and work in Spain, and it will not be necessary to apply for a Foreigner Identity Card upon arriving in Spain.
For family members of the holder of the work contract
As above (except the work permit authorisation) an extra application for residency with an additional fee of $17.00 AUD and evidence of relationship (birth and marriage certificate) AND full medical insurance.
Applicants under the age of 18 are not required a police check.
The processing time for family member takes approximately 3 months.