
1405 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109-5417

​How to get to the Consulate General of Spain in San Francisco

Location map and directions (printable version).  

The Consulate General of Spain in San Francisco recommends using public transit to reach the Consulate. You can find more information about public transit at the following link:

The Consulate General cannot provide parking spaces to those visiting the Consulate. You can find more information about public and private parking in the surrounding area at the following link: 

You are also kindly reminded that visitors cannot enter the Consulate with suitcases or backpacks, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc.   

Contact Information​​ 

Telephone:                    1 (415) 922-2995 

From overseas:             +1 415 922 29 95 

Fax:                             1 (415) 931-9706

Overseas fax:               +1 415 931 97 06


Contact email addresses​

All general inquiries:

Civil Registry:

Consular Registration and Passports: 

Notarial Matters:


For additional information, the Consulate recommends visiting the consular website:

Social network

Country information

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