Registration of Applications and Briefs

​Spanish citizens may submit applications, documents and communications addressed to any branch of the Spanish Public Administrations to the Consular Office Registry.

Applications, briefs and communications related to administrative procedures regulated by Spanish laws will only be accepted as long as they don't establish a different specific procedure for their submission.


The registration of applications, briefs or communications addressed to the Public Administrations is carried out in person by the interested party or by a duly authorised person. The interested party, or the authorised person, must prove their identity with a valid ID card or passport and, where appropriate, present the authorisation.

Registration of applications and briefs is free of charge.

Before going to the Consulate it is mandatory to send an email to including the words "ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION" in the subject line. In the email, you must attach a scan of all the documentation you wish to submit, as well as indicate an expected date and time of submission. No appointment is required.

PLEASE keep in mind: 

- The Consulate needs to know the branch to which you wish to submit the documentation, including the corresponding GEISER coding.

- The MB size of the document to be appended to the record must be less than 10 MB. If it's heavier tan that, you will have to submit the documentation in several smaller files.

- The name of each file cannot exceed 80 characters.

- The documentation must include a copy of the original document with which you are going to identify yourself on the day of your appointment. If you do it through a representative, you must attach the documentation that proves it.​

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