【音樂表演】 沉浸在西班牙音樂的魅力之中!
3 月 4 日,與我們一起欣賞著名西班牙二重奏組合 Duo Belcorde 的精彩表演,其中 Manuel Briega 演奏小提琴,Adrián Fernández 演奏西班牙吉他。小提琴與吉他是非常有趣的樂器組合,得益於這兩種樂器的多功能性、同一曲調、旋律和和聲以及它們之間形成的完美共生。
這項活動標誌著 「卡門2025」 節目的開始,該節目將圍繞永恆歌劇 《卡門》 推出一系列文化活動。敬請期待更多精彩活動!
活動由 香港理工大學英語及傳意系 及 香港理工大學理大英語語言歐洲研究輔修課程 主辦,我們很榮幸獲得 香港及澳門歐盟辦事處、西班牙駐香港總領事館、AECID 的支持。
日期: 3 月 4 日(星期二)
時間: 12:30-13:30
地點: 香港理工大學FJ平台
立即報名: https://polyu.hk/WQYpI
關注我們,獲取最新資訊 香港理工大學 - 香港理工大學英語及傳意學系 歐洲研究輔修
[Music performance] Dive into the Enchantment of Spanish Music!
Admission is FREE and open to the public!
Join us on March 4th for a captivating performance by the renowned Spanish Dúo Belcorde, featuring Manuel Briega on violin and Adrián Fernández on Spanish guitar. Violin and guitar form a duo of great interest, thanks to the versatility of these two instruments, the tune, melody and harmony of the same variety and perfect symbiosis that develops between them.
This event marks the beginning of the "Carmen 2025" programme, offering a series of cultural events centered around the timeless Opera Carmen. Stay tuned for more exciting happenings!
Organized by the The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Dept of English and Communication and PolyU ENGL Languages Minor in European Studies at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, we are thrilled to have the support of the European Union in Hong Kong and Macao and the Consulate General of Spain in Hong Kong 西班牙駐港總領事館, and AECID.
Date: March 4th (Tuesday)
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Venue: FJ Podium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Register now: https://polyu.hk/WQYpI
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