Opening hours, Location and Contact

​​Physical​ Address:

37 Shortmarket Street, 

Cape Town 8001, 

South Africa

Google maps


Phone: +27 21 422 2415
Emergency phone (24h): +27 76 114 6152 for Spanish citizens ​​(no information on visas)

For questions related to Civil Registrar (nationality, birth certificates, matrimony, etc.) it iadvisable to request an appointment. ​All notary services are handled by e-mail through our consular section.


e-mail​ consular section:

e-mail​ visa section : 


​Visa Center:

To request a  Schengen visa please visit BLS (Spain Visa Application Center) website our external visa service provider, where you can find guidelines of how to apply

BLS, "Spain Visa Application Center"

The Tower Building 2, 10th Floor, 

2 Hertzog Boulevard, Foreshore, Cape Town 8000​

call center tel.: 010 500 2032

​Opening hours:

The opening hours for the general public are from 8:30 to 13:30 hours, from Monday to Friday.​

Calendar of Consulate's official public holidays in 2024

01  January........................ Monday....................... New Year's Day (South Africa)
08  January......................... Monday...................... Epiphany Day
21  March........................... Thursday.................... Human Rights Day (South Africa)
28  March........................... Thursday..................... Holy Thursday
29  March........................... Friday........................... Holy Friday
01  April.............................. Monday....................... Family Day (South Africa)
01 May................................ Wednesday................. Worker's Day (South Africa)
17  June.............................. Monday....................... Youth Day (South Africa)
09  August.......................... Friday.......................... National Women's Day (South Africa)
24  September................... Tuesday....................... Heritage Day (South Africa)
12  October........................ Saturday..................... National Day of Spain
06  December..................... Friday......................... Constitution Day
16  December..................... Monday​...................... Day of Reconciliation (South Africa)
25  December..................... Wednesday​................ Christmas Day

26  DICIEMBRE.............​....... Thursday.................... Day of Goodwill (South Africa)​

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