Global security

In recent decades, global security has become a fundamental priority for Spain. Challenges such as combating terrorism and organised crime and cyber-security are essential to Spanish foreign policy.

Terrorism is one of the greatest threats to the achievements and rights obtained in the field of justice, security and freedoms. There is no justification whatsoever for terrorist acts, which deserve the strongest and most emphatic condemnation. The fight against terrorism and scrupulous respect for human rights are two mutually reinforcing and complementary objectives. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation is carrying out a continuous analysis of the phenomenon of international terrorism, as well as proposing and defining different actions to address this threat. Spain furthermore advocates that the victims of terrorism should play a central role in national, regional and global anti-terrorist strategies. Therefore, through the European Network of Associations of Victims of Terrorism (NAVT), Spain is committed to the adoption of a binding international standard of a universal nature that specifically aims to protect the rights of victims of terrorism.

Furthermore, progressive disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are three key and complementary objectives for progress towards international peace, security and stability. Spain's commitment is clear. Through the relevant legal means, non-proliferation aims to ensure that no country increases its weapons capacity. Disarmament measures are aimed at reducing military capabilities or even banning certain categories of weapons already deployed. Recent progress in this field in recent years remains significant.

Spain has been participating in military operations abroad for over three decades, both in United Nations (PKOs) and in European Union (military and civilian) peacekeeping operations, as well as in international coalitions (such as the International Coalition against self-styled Islamic State). In total, it has taken part in over fifty missions in which troops from the Spanish State’s Armed and Security Forces have been deployed.

Over the years, security priorities in foreign policy have changed. The rise of new technologies and new communication networks has removed barriers but has also led to the emergence of new challenges, risks and threats. For this reason, the Spanish National Security Council has included cyber security as a priority of the National Security Strategy. This priority is implemented through two lines of action: The National Cybersecurity Strategy, the purpose of which is to establish adequate prevention, defence, detection, response and recovery capabilities in the face of cyberthreats, and the National Cybersecurity Plan, which sets out the lines of action to implement the first paper. The opportunities and risks technological globalisation entails require cooperation between countries to achieve a safe and reliable cyberspace. Spain aims to achieve global standards, expand the international legal system and develop and promote best practices.​​


​Related documentation

United Nations actions against terrorismIt opens in new window

United Nations Global ​Counter-Terrorism StrategyIt opens in new window

Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task ForceIt opens in new window

Global Terrorism In​dexIt opens in new window

United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeIt opens in new window

Global Counter-Terrorism ForumIt opens in new window

EU Counter-Terrorism StrategyIt opens in new window

Victims of terrorismIt opens in new window

Missions abroad of the Spanish Ministry of DefenceIt opens in new window

United Nations Peacekeeping OperationsIt opens in new window

The European Union Common Security and Defence PolicyIt opens in new window

NATOIt opens in new window

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