Feminist Foreign Policy

25 years on from the Beijing Conference, the attainment of real equality between men and women continues to be a pending challenge. Although significant progress has been made in recent years, the global figures warn of persisting inequality and of the risk of a reversal of these gains, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The decision to draw up a feminist foreign policy stems from Spain’s leadership at the very highest level in recent years and from a strong political commitment to push on in compliance with the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Our country has also become a benchmark on the international stage, thanks to its regulatory framework and its public policies in such fields as the fight against gender-based violence, equality at work and home/life balance.

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, during the presentation of the Feminist Foreign Policy Guide at Moncloa Palace. Photo: Moncloa

Spain has incorporated gender equality as a distinctive element of its foreign policy. Predominating inequalities between men and women point to a need to step up efforts to close the gender gap and move towards real and effective equality on the international front.

To achieve these goals, the ministry has drawn up a Guide that defines the main lines of action that set out Spain’s contribution to make the target of a fairer world a reality where men and women enjoy equal rights and opportunities. This proposal is based on five principles: a transformative approach; committed leadership; ownership; inclusive participation and boosting national and international alliances, and diversity and intersectionality.​ ​






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