Migration is a human phenomenon inherent in International Society. The demographic and geostrategic evolution of the various regions at a global level has resulted in migration becoming a vector of socio-economic transformation and relations between States.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM), created in 1951, estimates that there are approximately 281 million international migrants, representing 3.5% of the world's population. For all these reasons, in recent years, the European Union and the United Nations have placed migration at the centre of their focus and have developed an institutional and legal architecture to deal with migratory flows in a concerted, efficient manner and with human rights at the core, in order to achieve orderly, safe and regular migration at all levels.
International scope
Spain promotes a supportive and effective migration policy, actively participates in international migration forums and is an active participant in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, whose target 10.7 calls on countries "to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies".
European Union level
Spain promotes a migration policy based on these same principles. In 2015, the European Union approved a European Agenda on Migration.
In May 2024, the Pact on Migration and Asylum establishing new common rules and procedures to ensure regular, orderly and safe migratory flows based on a balance between solidarity and responsibility was adopted.
An implementation process began last June and is set to conclude in two years. This will be when all the instruments included in the Pact will take effect. Migration and mobility dialogues with third States are also valuable tools for the European Union. The most noteworthy of these instruments include: the Rabat Process and the Khartoum Process, established with African partner countries to contribute to the management of safe, regular and orderly migration, to jointly reinforce the fight against irregular migration and to develop programmes and specific actions to address the root causes of migration. All this without neglecting issues such as returns, readmissions and reintegration, international protection or labour migration. At the ministerial conference for the Rabat Process (Cádiz, 12/12/2022) the 2023-2027 Action Plan was approved, setting objectives to be achieved in the aforementioned fields.
Minister José Manuel Albares visits Frontex.