Cultural and scientific diplomacy

December 26, 2024

Cultural and Science Diplomacy: wealth and development


What is Cultural Diplomacy?

Spanish Development Cooperation has played a pioneering role in considering culture as a key tool and driver for sustainable development policies. In the current Master Plan for Spanish Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Global Solidarity (2024-2027), culture is seen as a priority sector with a cross-cutting approach being applied. Cultural policies play a strategic role in the development of Spanish foreign policy, boosted by our nation's rich cultural and artistic wealth and the Spanish language, the second most widely spoken mother tongue in the world.​

Façade of the Cervantes Institute in Belgrade (Serbia). Photo: Shutterstock

What is Science Diplomacy?

In recent years, Spanish science diplomacy has developed significantly. Its growing influence in all areas of society, particularly in international relations, makes science, technology and innovation diplomacy increasingly important. This helps to strengthen a country's international presence and global image. Science diplomacy focuses on four areas established by the General State Administration: research, business and the foundations and analysis centres that support research and innovation.


The Directorate for Cultural and Scientific Relations: promotion and development

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, through its Directorate for Cultural and Scientific Relations, performs the functions and responsibilities granted to it by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation for the promotion and development of cultural relations and the promotion of Spanish culture abroad, as well as bilateral and multilateral international scientific relations. ​

Image of the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, an institution founded in 1873 and an important instrument of Spanish cultural policy abroad. Photo: EFE / Álvarez Padilla​

Organisations and institutions involved in Cultural and Science Diplomacy

For international outreach in these areas, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation works with various organisations and institutions.

In the cultural sphere, support comes from several institutions, including the Network of Spanish Culture Centres Abroad which reports to the Directorate for Cultural and Scientific Relations and works along three major lines of action: the development of cultural and scientific cooperation policies; the strengthening of cultural action as a factor for development; and support for cultural promotion and action abroad. To help spread the language, the Cervantes Institute, which also promotes Spanish culture, works alongside the Spanish Public Agency for Cultural Action, which has an extensive programme of activities and initiatives to promote mobility for professionals and creators, the Carolina Foundation, which focuses on education and science, and the ICEX (Exports and Investments Agency), which plays a role in cultural action abroad through the Creative Industries Division. The General Directorate for Cultural Rights of the Ministry Culture also provides support in this area.

In the scientific field, activities are undertaken to promote the Spanish science, technology and innovation system through the network of Cultural and Scientific Departments of the Spanish Embassies abroad. There is also close collaboration with the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technologyand public research organisations, as well as with the Network of Associations of Spanish Researchers and Scientists Abroad (RAICEX).

Instruments for the development of Cultural and Science Diplomacy

The Directorate for Cultural and Scientific Relations coordinates its public policies for cultural cooperation for development through the ACERCA Training Programme for Development in the Cultural Sector and the Heritage for Development Programme, as well as the Ibero-American programmes.

To support the internationalisation of cultural industries and Spanish artists and creators across all disciplines, important cultural cooperation and promotion work is done to facilitate their presence at international events. Lastly, the National Commission for UNESCO plays an extremely important role in cultural diplomacy and University-level cooperation.

Other Cultural and Science Diplomacy tools: scholarships and grants

All of the above-mentioned Cultural and Science Diplomacy activity is rounded off with an extensive scholarships and grants programme, both for Spanish citizens and citizens from partner countries, committed to training through educational opportunities both in Spain and abroad.  ​



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