Asia and Pacific

Asia is a heterogeneous continent, with a great diversity in economic development levels, cultural traditions and socio-political models. The incorporation of millions of people into productive activities, consumption and global economic networks is probably the most striking case of the transfer of power from the Western world to emerging countries since the late 19th century.

Today, the region encompasses more than half of the world's population and produces a third of our planet's wealth. By 2050, more than half of global production is expected to come from this continent. Moreover, Asia is a leading centre of science, technology and innovation, with a global weight that will grow quantitatively in the coming years.

Bilateral meetings

Because of its sheer size and dynamism, Asia is a continent from which no country can afford to be absent if it wishes to play a leading role in contemporary global dynamics. Therefore, Spain's commitment to an increasingly deeper integration into the political, economic, scientific and social dynamics centered around Asia necessitates strengthening our presence in the region. Our country must also equip itself with the tools for analysis and action that are adapted to the new realities in Asia and the Pacific, enabling us to achieve better results in all areas.

To this end, an Ambassador-at-Large for the Indo-Pacific was appointed in January 2022 to study how Spanish interests can align with the priorities of the European Strategy, to provide added value, and to coordinate efforts to ensure that Spain and the EU can play a leading role in the Indo-Pacific.

East Asia

Spain has also turned relations with East Asia into one of the pillars of its foreign policy. This has led to a rapprochement with countries such as China, Japan and South Korea. Political contacts are commonplace, economic relations have multiplied and links between civil societies are growing.

Central and South Asia

 Moreover, Spain has included the countries that make up the Central Asia and South Asia regions in the parameters of its foreign policy, with an increasingly active approach, considering the relevance of major regional powers such as India. With regard to Southeast Asian countries and ASEAN member countries, bilateral relations have increased both quantitatively and qualitatively and the political agenda has intensified, not forgetting in particular the Philippines, a country with whom we share many historical and cultural ties.

South Pacific

With regard to Spain's relations with the South Pacific, it should be noted that our country has re-engaged with the region after many years of absence and maintains diplomatic relations with all the States,with Australia and New Zealand being particularly important due to their geopolitical influence in the area.  Spain is currently pursuing an active policy as a “dialogue partner" in the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF).

EU-Indo Pacific strategy

Spain recognises the centrality of the Indo-Pacific and has committed to being an active player in the imp​lementation of the EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, officially launched in September 2021. The strategy focuses on key pillars, including the interdependence between both regions and their economies, the joint fight against climate change, as well as the importance of defending democracy and human rights in this region of the world.

Furthermore, in November 2023, the European Union signed the new Samoa agreement with the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), which is drawn up as the main instrument to guide the EU'spolitical,economicandcooperationrelations with 79 countries from the "Global South". This includes 47 African nationss, 16 Caribbean countries and 15 Pacific countries, as well as the Republic of Maldives.

This agreement includes essential objectives for the EU-ACP relationship and its global outlook, such as the contribution to achieving the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, the promotion and protection of human rights, the building of peaceful and resilient States and societies, the promotion of human and social development, support for trade development and investment mobilisation, and safe, orderly and regular migration and mobility.​



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