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Africa is a political and strategic priority for Spain, not only because of its geographic proximity but also because of the multi-dimensional range of opportunities it currently presents. The III Plan Africa, adopted on 1 March 2019, reflects this priority and focuses on the vision of Africa as an opportunity and not only as a source of threats. 

The III Plan Africa is a foreign policy strategy based on a current analysis of the region and Spain's presence on the continent. It aims to introduce a more comprehensive approach than the previous Plans, which were very focused on development cooperation, although it tries to incorporate and strengthen the abundant synergies that exist with other sectoral strategies, such as the National Security Strategy or the Strategy for the Internationalisation of the Spanish Economy. It also seeks to join forces in line with the new priorities and objectives within the framework of the European Union's relations with Sub-Saharan Africa.

At the global level, this strategy also represents an instrument for the political development of the 2030 Agenda on the continent. This approach coincides with the objectives of the African countries themselves, as stated in the African Union's Agenda 2063, and with those of the European Union, as stated in its Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy (2016), among other reference documents, which is expected to create opportunities for consultation with our African and European partners.

The III Plan Africa aims to mobilise all the resources of Spanish society, not only those offered by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and the Spanish Embassies, but also those of other Departments, the Autonomous Communities, Local Entities, the private sector, the academic sector, NGDOs and civil society as a whole. To this end, it prioritises five principles on which the Plan is based: partnership, differentiation between the different tools and actions based on each situation and country (distinguishing between anchor countries, which due to their size and regional prominence can act as exporters of stability to their neighbours and absorb intra-African migratory flows in an orderly manner - Nigeria, South Africa and Ethiopia - and partnership countries, stable and with great growth potential - Senegal, Angola, Mozambique, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya and Tanzania), multilateralism, unity of external action and promotion of the 2030 Agenda for the defence of Human Rights and gender equality.

Specific actions are oriented towards four strategic objectives: the promotion of peace and security (including diplomacy, the Armed Forces and Spanish Cooperation), the promotion of sustainable development driven by inclusive economic growth that generates employment and opportunities, the strengthening of institutions and support for orderly, regular and safe mobility. In addition, these strategic objectives are stipulated in other specific objectives and their indicators, which can be found in Annex V of the Plan.

As a novelty, this new Strategic Plan has been externally evaluated by the Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Service.

In short, the new Plan Africa broadens Spain's scope of action in Africa both thematically and geographically, and provides it with a strategic coherence that will enable it to increase its presence and become a relevant player in the changing African scenario of the 21st century.