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Resultados de búsqueda

  • Spain and the United Nations

    One of the priorities of Spain's foreign policy is the promotion of strong and legitimate multilateral institutions that make it possible to move towards ...
  • Spain and NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) has its origins in the signing of the 1949 Washington Treaty, in which twelve countries on both sides of ...
  • Election observation

    ​​The host of democratisation processes that began in many parts of the world some decades ago have led to an increasing demand for International ...
  • Translators - Sworn Interpreters

    El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación es competente para la concesión del título de Traductor/a-Intérprete Jurado/a.


  • Spain in Ibero-America

    Ibero- America has always been a priority for Spain's foreign policy. Human, historical, social, cultural, political, economic and linguistic ties have ...
  • Spain and the European Union

    Spain's aspirations to join the European Communities gained momentum with the advent of democracy and, to this end, it officially applied for membership ...
  • Legalization

    Legalisation is an administrative act through which a foreign public document is validated, verifying the authenticity of the signature on a document, ...