Elección jueces a la Corte Penal Internacional December 17, 2014 El Gobierno de España felicita a los seis candidatos elegidos por la Asamblea de los Estados Parte en el Estatuto de Roma, como nuevos jueces de la Corte ...
Joint statement on the construction of new homes in settlements and eviction and demolition plans May 13, 2022 From the Foreign Affairs Ministers of Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway ...
Spain welcomes the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories July 19, 2024 Spain welcomes the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in response to the petition made by the UN General Assembly to assess the consequences ...
Minister welcomes the Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace, and Security April 12, 2023 Bankole Adeoye's visit to Spain provides a decisive boost towards identifying areas for mutual cooperation between our country and the African organisation. ...
Reunión del Consejo de Asuntos Exteriores July 18, 2022 El encuentro mensual de los titulares de Exteriores de la Unión Europea se ha centrado en la situación en Ucrania, en la relación con América Latina ...
Official Trip by Their Majesties the King and Queen to the Republic of Croatia November 8, 2022 Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain will make an official trip to the Republic of Croatia on 16 and 17 November. During the trip, Their Majesties ...
Spain expresses its dismay at Israel's military operation in Nablus February 23, 2023 The Spanish Government is concerned by the military operation carried out by the Israeli Security Forces today in Nablus, which has left at least 10 palestinian ...
Ministerial meeting in Murcia September 28, 2023 José Manuel Albares opened an informal ministerial meeting which discussed, among other issues, EU enlargement, how EU policies must be adapted, and the ...
Seminario de universitarios sobre la Cumbre de la OTAN April 3, 2022 Las jornadas han combinado ponencias teóricas de expertos en materia de diplomacia y espacios deliberativos con estudiantes universitarios venidos de ...
Statement on the Cyberattacks against Albania September 9, 2022 Spain deplores the cyberattacks that took place against Albania in July, which targeted critical infrastructures and government agencies in the country. ...